It’s so important to ensure their care throughout a stressful move and beyond.

Thinking About Your Pets
Plan for the future.

We don’t like to think about it, but you need to plan for the care of your pet if you are ill or hospitalized. Who can step in for temporary or longer-term care? Do you have information on caregivers in an easy to see place in your home (on the refrigerator, for example) so if you are taken by ambulance, the first responders will be able to contact your designated caregiver?

Your final wishes.

Don’t forget about your beloved pet when you are preparing your will. You’ll want assurance that your companion(s) will be taken care of by someone of your choosing. Check with those you are considering and be sure to allow for the finances to cover medical care and everyday necessities.

Consult with your attorney or estate planner to help you craft the documents appropriate for your situation.

Moving to a new home

If you are downsizing or moving to an assisted living community, you’ll want to make the move smooth and stress-free for your pets as well as yourself.

It is apparent from the moment we begin organizing, purging, and packing that our beloved family pets are sensing that “something is going on.”

My own pet would lie down near where I was working and simply stare at me, as if to say, “I don’t know what’s happening, but whatever it is, don’t forget about me!” If you are moving with a pet, be sure to follow these guidelines to ensure that your fur-babies (whether dogs or cats), birds and other pets experience a (mostly) stress-free and safe move to your new home.

Prepare a Pet Box but keep it handy. 

Don’t pack everything for your pet while preparing for your move. Keep your pets’ favorite things at hand. It is comforting for pets to have their familiar beds, crates, toys, blankets, food bowls and pillows around and in use. Keep important medical information on-hand, including your pets’ vaccination record and contact info for your veterinarian.

Stick to the schedule. 

Try as much as possible to maintain daily regimens including feeding times, their usual food, and walks. Be sure to keep a list of when your pets are due for a well visit to the veterinarian and when they are scheduled for heart worm medications or flea and tick treatments.

It is also a good idea to do some research before your move to see what veterinarians are located near your new home and call for information on their practices. Having a new vet “in the wings” will be priceless if you need an urgent appointment once you have moved in. Sticking to a familiar schedule once you are in your new home is a great way to make your pets feel at home.

Keep things calm the day of the move. 

If your pets are easily excitable, it may be best to have a pet sitter the day of the move. Having a familiar face to comfort and care for your pets on that most hectic day will help to ensure that your stress level is kept down as well. If your dog or cat is home with you, be aware that doors will be left open, making it easy for pets to wander and/or get in the way of the moving crew. Also, the home temperature will be difficult to maintain with open doors, so the comfort level may not be optimal for pets. Don’t forget to keep plenty of water available as well.

Is medication in order? 

If you have a high-strung pet or if a long car ride or flight on an airplane is part of the move, you may need to see your vet about a mild sedative for your pet.

Consider micro-chipping. 

Before the move you may want to talk to your veterinarian about having your dog or cat microchipped. A new location may be confusing and if your pet wanders off and gets lost, a microchip increases the chance of a reunion with the family. It is painless for the pet to have a microchip inserted, takes just minutes, and is invaluable peace-of-mind for you.

Your veterinarian may have additional tips for you in dealing with pets and moving. Be sure to take the time and effort to do everything you can to make this transition an easier one for all.

If you have questions about how to make your transition as smooth as possible, call Marie LeBlanc at 617-513-0433 or email … and be sure to visit our website  for more information. .