Now, while we may be pacing the house, wondering what we can do next while social distancing, de-cluttering is one activity many have found to be helpful.

It helps to know that research shows that the more you de-clutter, the less stressed you are … and the happier you feel!

A great place to start the whole process is with your closets. Now is a great time to rethink your closet space and make decisions about individual pieces in your wardrobe.

A bonus is that you may find a piece hiding in the back of your closet that you forgot!

De-cluttering your closetThe key to organizing your closet is to think about your routine. Put the items you need most often upfront so they are close at hand. Sort your clothing into casual and dressy fashions. Put the casual or everyday clothing where you can access them easily. Dressier clothes can be hung further away or in a separate clothing bag.

Then, sort your everyday items into tops, pants, skirts, dresses. The last step is to sort by color, the way stores often hang clothing. You’ll find it easier and more fun to “shop” what you already have and you’ll be surprised to see how much you really love what you already own.

Don’t forget that while organizing you are also de-cluttering.

Be honest with yourself. If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing during the past winter at least a few times, chances are next winter, you won’t wear it either. Take this opportunity to decide to donate it or try to sell it on a Facebook Internet Yard Sale site.

Go through your accessories in the same way. Purses, scarves, belts … these often remain in the closet well past their prime. Trends change and accessories tend to accumulate year after year without notice. Purge those that are not being worn or that are no longer in fashion.

After you’ve scrutinized the seasonal clothes that are to be put away, dry clean or launder those that you have decided to store until next year.

Congratulate yourself on streamlining your closets by de-cluttering no longer desired clothing. You might even splurge on new hangers or closet organizers to give your closet an extra uplift.

Next! Your dresser drawers!